Monday, March 2, 2015

Trigonometry Video Playlist

A video playlist is a collection of videos of like or pertinent subjects. Video playlists are most commonly made using a video source such as YouTube. The playlist below was made using the YouTube playlist option. This tool is very useful and easy to use. To create a playlist log onto your YouTube account, click on playlist and the rest is self-explanatory. For uploading videos you can use YouTube search, URL, or take a video from your own channel. I personally prefer the URL method as you can have a separate tab for searching videos you want and then just paste them into the playlist. YouTube Playlists have great potential when used in a classroom. Teachers can assign homework that is engaging and in the students environment. Video Playlists also allow teachers to group together videos that they find educational to a certain topic and provide one link to limitless video knowledge.

The playlist below is a quick and fun way to get introduced to the basics of trigonometry. This playlists utilizes music videos for engaging memorization and an instructional video. This playlist and ones like it would be helpful for teachers to use to help introduce students to a variety of subjects before they get to class. While watching this playlist I would like students to pay close attention to SOH CAH TOA in the second video as you will be asked to use this trigonometry principle for your homework. Due Monday I would like you as students to go out and find some tall object around your house and measure it using the instructions in the last video. Extra homework points go to anyone that doesn't use 45 degrees as your set angle. See you Monday! Enjoy the playlist!

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